Strongly inspired by names like Bessie Smith, Billie Holliday, Etta James, Miriam Makeba and Aretha Franklin - Miriam Mandipira weaves her own inflection into these inspiring voices from her youth.
She believes that there is a wealth of beautifully crafted songs already written, and that only requires an attentive and loving serving. And one would often find a gem or two from days gone by on Miriam`s roaster. Song interpretation and song writing co exists naturally making for a well rounded and exciting journey between the west and southern african inspired rhythms. As a recipient of the 2016 Danish Blues Musician Award, Miriam has proven by her successful multi genre collaborations, that jazz, soul, gospel as well as afro inspired pop are well within her reach too.
In recent years she has contributed to the revival of classic songs from the golden eras of blues, jazz and soul - telling her own story through these great pieces of music.For example her moving versions of the songs I´d Rather Go Blind, Ntyilo Ntyilo, Something´s Got A Hold On You and A Sunday Kind of Love to mention a few.
Miriam is blessed with an outstanding voice and musicality. She performs only with selected musicians concentrating on the styles of soul / jazz / blues and gospel.